We are a wholesale distributor - products are not available at our inside sales address.
Office Address: 11816 Lackland Road, St. Louis, MO 63146
(800) 991-8480 | alliedappliance@indoff.com

Allied Appliance Promotional Products

Promote Your Hotel, Motel, or Resort With Items Featuring Your Logo

In Room Items

Make sure your guests have everything they need in their room to ensure a great stay.

Bottle/Can Openers
Pens | Coasters
Hand Sanitizers
Coffee Cups/Mugs

Apparel Items

Extend your brand image with
 your logo on apparel items.
 Guests walking around with your merchandise is the best endorsement you can get.

Hats & Caps
 Polo Shirts/Tee Shirts 

Special Events

Do you have guests hosting special events at your location? Provide them with a way to help memorialize the event with logo’d merchandise.

Bags | Napkins | Cups
Sunglasses | Tumblers

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