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(800) 991-8480 | alliedappliance@indoff.com


Selecting the perfect mattress for your hotel, motel, or extended stay can be challenging. When purchasing commercial mattresses, factors such as durability and longevity factor in as much as comfort. There isn’t anything in the room that will be used more than a mattress. At Allied Appliance we have partnered with Symbol Mattresses to supply our Hospitality clientele with bedding that’s stylish, durable, and provides the comfort that your guests demand night in and night out. Symbol Mattresses are made in the USA and are eco-friendly. 

The Symbol QPEVWJA Mattress

  1. FR Barrier Natural Cotton
  2. Comfort Quilt
  3. Comfort Quilt
  4. 5 Zone Convoluted Layer
  5. 540 Spectrum Coil
  6. 5 Zone Convoluted Layer
  7. Comfort Quilt
  8. Comfort Quilt
  9. FR Barrier Natural Cotton

The Symbol GPEV23AB Mattress 

  1. FR Barrier Natural Cotton
  2. Comfort Foam
  3. Comfort Foam
  4. 5 Zone Convoluted Comfort Foam
  5. 540 Spectrum Coil System
  6. Support Core

The Symbol YREJ0AB Mattress

  1. FR Barrier Natural Cotton
  2. Cooling Gel Quilt
  3. Cooling Gel Quilt
  4. 5 Zone Convoluted Layer
  5. Insulator Pad
  6. 840 Individually Wrapped Coil
  7. Insulator Pad
  8. 5 Zone Convoluted Layer
  9. Cooling Gel Quilt
  10. Cooling Gel Quilt
  11. FR Barrier Natural Cotton
Volunatary Testing, Analysis & Certification Program
Rigorous Flammabiiity Standards
Made In America
Eco-Friendly for Sustainability

Need More Information on the Allied's Line of Symbol Mattresses?

An Allied Appliance Sales Representative is ready to help. Click on the button below or call 1-800-991-8480